
Friday, March 25, 2011

The Basics of Auto Repair and Maintenance

If you�ve been watching the NBA anytime within the last decade, I�m sure you would�ve heard of someone named Tim Duncan. �Timmy,� as he is fondly called by fans of the NBA�s San Antonio Spurs, is also known as �The Big Fundamental.� This is because his game is so old-school, so basic, that he is more of an exception in this day and age of flashy dunks and passes that go behind players� backs. Still, he�s won four championships with this style of play. What�s my point with this NBA analogy?

Fundamentals are important.

You can think up all of the left-field modifications you want to do on your precious vehicle, but it remains important that you have a thorough understanding of what makes your car tick. You can accomplish this by reading through your online repair manual (or if you�re rich and have surplus cash, perhaps you have many online auto repair manuals under your name).

These fundamentals involve a pool of knowledge that you can fall back on when things get nasty, or when your tasks become too complicated. It�s essential that you have a firm grasp on the basic functions and inner workings of your ride�s core systems so that you�ll have an idea what to do and where to start when something goes wrong.

Online car repair manuals contain the sort of basic information you need to handle practically any task related to auto repair, maintenance, and modification. Vehicle-specific variants are still the preferable options, but even generic ones will do. Once you understand your ride in theory, you can apply that knowledge into practice. Over time, you won�t even have to keep consulting the online repair manual just to confirm if what you think is correct. That�s how the fundamentals can help you on your everyday DIY tasks.

I'm sure "Timmy" and his four NBA championship rings will agree.

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