
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Share Your Online Repair Manuals Story

We've received a couple of e-mails telling how people experienced some problems with their cars and found the solution in online auto repair manuals. We'll be bringing them out to the forefront when we post them and discuss them on a future date, but now we'd just like to tell everybody that we welcome any and all e-mails as long as you tell us about your own story involving online car repair manuals.

It can be any story�from a repair job that you've had where you consulted your trusty online car repair manual or when you opted to go for a subscription so that you can really get into the DIY mechanic mode properly. Regardless, we'll be taking a close look at it and then we'll showcase it in a post all its own just so the rest of the world will know your story.

Questions and suggestions are also welcome, so don't be shy and just fire away. We'll answer anything you want to know with everything that we have, and we'll try to give you solutions and consider any suggestions you want to give us. It's a free world, after all, and all we want to do is serve you guys better and provide you with the best possible resource when it comes to online auto repair manuals.

So don't hesitate to hit the e-mail! Or you can simply drop us a line using the comment forms on any of our posts. Don't worry�we'll make sure to reply as soon as possible so that your story gets published and your queries get answered. Here's to more online auto repair manual stories in the future!

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