
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Manuals Wanted: Mechanics Want Access to Dealer Info

In Massachusetts, there are thousands of independent repair shops that are currently having a hard time simply because they don�t have the kind of information that dealerships are privy to. These auto shops are waiting for the passing of a state bill that will give them access to that information.

"These independent garages are investing in manuals and they are really getting the Cliff Notes version," said Art Kinsman, a spokesperson for the Massachusetts Right to Repair Coalition. "They can go buy manufacturer scanning tools, but without dealer codes or satellite links to the manufacturers, the tools are only partially valuable to them."

Without access to such information, Kinsman says that the auto repair shops are forced to send their potential customers to the various dealerships simply because their garage doesn�t have the capacity to access the computer codes for diagnosing different vehicle problems. The codes are displayed by scanning tools bought from the manufacturer. The sad thing is that only the dealerships know which issue some codes are associated with. Not even access to premium online repair manuals can remedy certain situations.

The bill is the answer to many of these issues that plague the shops. "The bill requires manufacturers to sell for a fair price - and make available for purchase - repair codes, information, and diagnostic tools for fixing cars,� says Kinsman. "There are a lot of good dealers out there, but if you bought the car, you ought to get it fixed where you want."

Last year, the bill was already passed in Senate. The House, however, never came to a vote on the bill. This is so even when there are already 64 co-sponsors for the bill.

Among the co-sponsors is State Representative David Linsky. "I believe that independent auto repair shops should have all the access codes and information that is necessary to fix cars," Linsky said. "People shouldn't be forced to go to a dealer and pay expensive prices to have their cars repaired. Owning and operating a car is expensive enough as it is.

If you want more info about the Right to Repair Coalition, you can go to

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