
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

We Love Online Repair Manuals

As you can probably tell from the very name of this blog, we here all love online auto repair manuals. What can best explain this profound, unapologetic affection for online car repair manuals?

Well, it�s not really one thing or another, but rather something that has gradually crept up into my consciousness as a DIY enthusiast and a fanboy of cars and customization (and yeah, having done quite the number of repair tasks as well over the years also has a lot to do with it).

See, most people know things thanks to experience. It�s the same way with mechanics and enthusiasts. Having worked on vehicles for years, you get to have a certain idea or maybe even a feel for your car, so you�ll have some kind of instinct when something goes wrong. But what if you�re just starting out? Or even if you�re experienced, but you�re performing a repair job on a new car or some model that you�ve never had the chance to work on before?

This is where online repair manuals come in. They offer something like the ABCs of vehicle repair. They give us instructions to follow, tell us the probable reason why something is not working, and there are even some nifty pictures that make it easier for many of us.

What�s better than online repair manuals? Well, that can be none other than FREE online auto repair manuals. If you�re only going to use something once or twice, why pay for it? So long as you have some decent research skills using Google, Bing or whichever search engine you prefer, you�ll be able to find one in no time. And you don�t have to spend a single cent.

So those are just some of the reasons why we love online repair manuals. There are plenty more, but we don�t want this to be a tl;dr post or anything. Besides, a lot of us still have some early Christmas shopping to do, right?

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