
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Online Auto Repair Manual Reviews:

We�ve already provided a bunch of reviews centered on some of the preeminent paid or premium online car repair manual services on the world wide web, along with some posts pointing to a couple of free online repair manuals. Today, we�ll be setting our sights on a free online auto repair manual site, the aptly named Free Online Auto Repair web site over at

The one positive that stood out for us is that the information at is organized in a variety of ways. You can browse through listings like Common Diagnostic & Repair Topics, Quick Tips for cars and trucks, and an alphabetically arranged Repair Directory.

The Repair Directory is perhaps the most useful for many who are looking for something close to a repair manual specific to particular makes and models. Just click on the link to your vehicle�s make and you�ll be taken to a page that lists all the site�s entries featuring that automobile manufacturer. There are some active links for certain vehicle models, although it�s more of a hit or miss thing here. You can also find some pieces of general reference material that you can use, like tip and tricks for general automotive care and maintenance and a fancy online PDF glossary of car-related terms.

Perhaps the biggest drawback even with the seemingly numerous listings is that the information can be really limited. The coverage isn�t very comprehensive, with only a few entries included for some makes. Well, what can you do? It�s a free site. You�re in luck if you can find what you need in their listings.

When push comes to shove, is not the best automotive repair resource on the Internet, and it certainly won�t be an alternative for premium auto repair manuals that you can use for comprehensive data. Still, there are some features on the site that you can use, albeit only a very limited amount.

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