
Thursday, January 8, 2015

DC opted out of the BBB program Not surprising!

Just found your website, I was absolutely amazed to learn that this engine was a MITSUBISHI Oh My gosh!

As stated on your web page there was no warning, no overheating, nothing.

Since posting my own car problems on I have received numerous emails asking about what I have done since their own Dodge Intrepid broke in the same manner as mine. From everything that I have been reading even with extended warranty and proof that the oil was changed every 3 thousand miles the repairs still arent honored which means we are stuck with the entire bill. So whether you were faithful changing the oil or like me not the best - this car is still breaking and usually after the original car warranty has expired and the extended would kick in. Although, I have read about the Dodge Intrepid breaking as early as 65,000 miles and the earliest was 35,500 miles..

I am from the US and just wanted to add my own car horror-story to yours as well. Since this is my only car I did/do have to get it repaired so I have been without my car for four weeks. Here is a list of the items being replaced on my car. Chain Guides Left and right, Timing Chain, Cam Chain, Cam Gear Left and Right, Crank Gear,

Rod bearings, Bearing Thrust Washers, Main Bearing, Oil Pump, Intake Valve, Piston Rings, Gasker Kit Upper and Lower, Cam Chain, Tensioner, Water Pump, Oil FIlter, ENGINE OVERHAUL - SINCE THIS ENGINE IS SO NEW NONE OF THESE PARTS WERE AVAILABLE FROM THE NORMAL AUTO RETAIL STORES.

My original email: Never had a problem with the car until all of a sudden it started making a noise Nov 19, 2003. 77,486 miles at the time the problem started. Two repair shops beleived it was the timing chain and or the oil sludge causing the problem, there was no real diagnosis. But they kept talking about replacing the entire engine ($5,000). My famiily rented me a car for two weeks while the last repair place tried to work things out with the extended warranty company (Enterprise MRP-Major Repair Protection) to no avail. Picked the car up on Saturday December 6th 2003. Drove it to work sunday night with no problem other than the noise. The car has never overheated as everyone suggested it should be doing because of what they considered a bad oil problem. Drove it to school on Monday Dec 8 and to a doctors appointment, however 5 miles from my home going down a hill on the highway the RPMs started racing up to 4000 bouncing back down to 2000 RPM, then back and forth and then finally dropping to 0 and the engine quit runnning. This was all while I was going 60 miles an hour and I was just lucky enough to be by an exit ramp which by the way was now up hill, get off the ramp with cars behind me and luckily no other cars coming down this particular ramp trying to get on the highway. The car was picked up the next morning to be towed to my local dealer [dealer name removed] which gave me grief about wanting me to pay for the tow.

added info: And what did they do - hooked the computer up and read the code which said crank shaft/cam shaft or something like that. Without any further diagnostics they determined I needed a new engine and guesstimated a cost of $8,000 for repair. This indicated to me that they already knew of this problem and what would fix it, but of course there are no recall notices, could there possibly be some service bulletin that only the dealers know about? One of the car complaints I read mentioned a problem with the freezer plug causing the problem which was corrected in new models, but nothing was done retroactively.


I had also submitted a complaint to the Better Business Bureau with the following response: As you may be aware, we administer a mediation/arbitration program, BBB AUTOLINE, to resolve disputes between certain automobile manufacturers and consumers alleging manufacturing defects. However, the manufacturer of thevehicle in question has chose to opt-out of the BBB Auto Line Mediation/Arbitration program (basically meaning, the manufacturer does not participate in our program). I regret we are unable to offer you any direct assistance with your complaint. I recommend that you contact one of the following manufacturing numbers listed below to set up an complaint. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. All "NON-PARTICIPANTS" WITH THE "BBB AUTO LINE PROGRAM" (Depending on what make your vehicle is, you must contact either number below to file an complaint) Ford-Lincoln-Mercury 1(800) 688-2429 Jeep-Eagle-Chrysler-Plymouth-Dodge 1(800) 992-1997 For further assistance, we advise that you get in contact with your "States Consumer Affairs Office" as well.

Sincerely, BBB Auto Line Program, Alternative Dispute Resolution Division 4200 Wilson Blvd., Suite 800, Arlington, VA 22203 1.800.955.5100

U.S. National Highway Traffic and Safety Institute 800-424-9393 took my complaint and mailed me back paperwork to sign for verification. I still need to mail this back to them.

I also did a big class action thru the internet, but not sure if that is going anywhere - doesnt seem very reliable. Thank you for submitting your complaint to Online Legal Services Ltd.

Your case number is xxxxxx. You can track the status of your complaint at any time by visiting

and entering your case number. If you know of anyone else with a similar complaint, please encourage them to register it at

Please note that we are not offering any opinion whatsoever concerning the merits of any claim you might have. We encourage you to also contact other counsel if you intend to pursue any claims, and you should do so promptly to avoid having your case barred by the statute of limitations.


I dont know if anything is going to help, it would be great though if Dodge owned up to their problems with these cars. Hey, I can dream right? Thanks for listening

E-mail your dodge engine story to My Dodge Story. 2.7L engine owners read

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