
Monday, May 9, 2011

Interface Design: Key Component in Online Repair Manuals

Online repair manuals, regardless of how accurate their information is, require a functional and easy-to-use user interface design. The first impression you�ll have on a particular online repair manual will fall on how well is your user experience with it. Having a pleasant user interface will definitely make reading the manual easier and allows you to maximize its contents.

Usability is the main focus when you use the online repair manual. When using a manual, does it have the buttons or links where you can easily see them? Do they have a clear label? Are all the menus easy to navigate? Does the overall layout of the online repair manual work? Does the online service offer additional support in case you�re having trouble accessing the manual? These are some factors that influence the usability of the manual.

Unless you can download a few sample pages of the online repair manual or can view sample screenshots from the publisher�s website, then you won�t be able to know whether the manual you�re going to purchase is user-friendly or not. Do note that screenshots are not enough to give an accurate gauge on the online repair manual�s user interface. Fancy-looking screenshots doesn�t guarantee you�ll receive the best technical information. Still, you now know what to expect when you choose a particular online service.

The use interface and overall usability of an online repair manual are the biggest considerations you have to make before you subscribe to a service. You wouldn�t want to use an online manual that�s clumsy and inconvenient to use! After all, you want to get maximum value for your money. The next time you need to purchase an online car repair manual for your DIY needs, make sure you do your research and sample what the different online services offer.

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